"Can't you take an IOU?" I asked, desperate.

"It's against my policy," said Joyce.

"What about the agreement to pay? Isn't there something I can agree to in the event that I lose the hand? I must play these cards."

"Perhaps," she said, looking at me with a peculiar expression on her face. "Perhaps there is something, something that you would agree to that I'd be willing to accept on the bet."

What is it? Just tell me! I must play these cards!"

Joyce leaned forward and smiled at me. "OK, if you lose, you will agree to become my plaything for twenty-four hours," she said.

"What?" said Tony.

"Don't do it, man. This chick's got something weird planned," said George.

"What do you mean?" I felt secure, knowing I had four of a kind.

"Just what I said," replied Joyce. "If you lose, you must become my plaything for twenty-four hours. You will allow me to do anything I want to you and you will do everything I tell you to do without question. Sort of like a slave for a day, like I've always wanted, having complete control over a man. If you lose, you are mine for a day."

"When you say you can do anything to me, does that mean you can hurt me?"

"Of course not," she answered. "I cannot hurt you and I will not hurt you. But some of the things I ask you to do may be embarrassing to you. Are you man enough to handle what I give you for a day?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Good, because if you resist my wishes in any way whatsoever, I will tell your friends here that you welshed on the bet and you will owe me the three thousand dollars."

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